Another lithophane lampshade that I designed and made with the Anycubic Predator 3D printer. I used a picture that I took from a hike in the forest of three mushrooms. Using the “It’s Litho” software, I created the 3D STL file and moved it to PrusaSlicer to create the Gcode file for the printer.
When the light is on you see incredible detail from the photo. There’s a lot of three dimensional data stored in the texture. When the light is out, its a pretty low key surface that draws you in for a closer look.

The lampshade measures 350mm in diameter by 430mm tall. A monster print to be sure!

I sliced this with PrusaSlicer and it took around 90 hours to print. I still find that PrusaSlicer is using a lot of wasteful movements, adding to the print time but I really can’t argue with the results.

Here is a link to the last shade that I printed. I’m sure now that having the texture on the outside like this one compared to the previous one with the texture printed on the inside is the best way to go.