I wanted to create a lamp with customizable artwork. I chose some of my favorite photos to make this prototype in white PLA+ and Sureply.

Obligatory napkin sketch

I wanted this to a deign that could be mounted to a pole or rest on a desk or buffet.

Fusion360 Render makes it look so warm. Unfortunately, no way to show the printed Lithophane, maybe as a decal?

The CAM work is easy contour operations with a flat endmill and a groove around the perimeter cut with a ball nose endmill to restrain the lithophane once it is glued up. Here is the mockup to see how the light transfers and to see how much more weight I can add to the top of this cheap light fixture….

Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric

The late great Benny Cat. Miss that guy. Top piece still to come.